Yachts for Sale abroad
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Sale of the yacht ISA Silver Wind in Europe

Sale of the yacht AB 140 MY TOY in Europe
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Acquiring the ownership of a motor yacht or a cruise boat will help you to carry out an experienced broker in Europe and the World.
We offer a regularly updated, current range of yachts and boats in the secondary sales market abroad, as well as in other world capitals.
Size matters! The long experience of our team in the yachting industry allows us to quickly and efficiently narrow down the search for a vessel, to select a yacht that meets your wishes.
You are in good hands! We will tell you where it is better to store a yacht in summer and where in winter, what expenses the shipowner expects during the operation of the vessel, we will recommend a reliable captain, and provide other valuable information.
Yachts listed on our site are carefully checked by specialized services, preventing or minimizing unpredictable situations.